Although it feels like I have been doing this forever, it has only been a year since I decided to
really pursue my little photography business. The past 6 months has seen an EXPLOSION in, not only, the amount of business I have had, but also the quality of the work I have produced. Although I am extremely proud of the level I have been blessed to reach, I am also keenly aware that I have a LONG way to go to accomplish the goals I have set for myself.
I am so very thankful for all of you. Whether you have been a client of mine or a follower of my work, I offer my sincerest appreciation. Thank you for "spreading the word" for me! It has been a bit overwhelming at times, especially the past two months, but such a learning experience. I pray that 2010 will bring even more success:)
I was trying to think of a way to give back to those who have given to me. So, when a couple of friends of mine requested/suggested a "Best of" contest, I jumped on the idea. I grossly underestimated the job of picking my favorites. I can honestly say that I have had at least one absolute favorite from every single session I have done. But, I had to narrow it down:( Once I narrowed it down as far as I could, I brought my wonderful husband in. Once he narrowed as far as he could, I called in my wonderful friend,
Kayse, for her expert touch. After all that, we still have 15 images for you to choose from!
Now for the 411...
One vote per household.
Voting will be for one week starting today with the winner being announced on January 14th. (Also my awesome MIL's birthday:)
1st place -
*2 sessions - one to keep, one to giveaway
*11x14 canvas OR a custom
photo purse of your winning image
2nd place-
*$50 print credit for a future session
*8x10 print OR a custom
photo pendant of your winning image
3rd place-
*$25 print credit for a future session
*8x10 print OR a custom
photo pendant of your winning image
View the images, then go below, make your selection, and click "vote." Remember, word-of-mouth is the BEST advertisement. Let the voting begin...